• LaScala Printing Inc.

    At La Scala Printing, Inc., we value our customers time and money. We strive to make the printing process Quick and Affordable, while providing Creative Design with High...
    4 rating(s) from 1 vote(s)
  • Tech

    If set to true, if a file with the same name as the one you are uploading exists, it will be overwritten. If set to false, a number will be appended to the filename if...
    4 rating(s) from 1 vote(s)
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About CrowdZoom!

The CrowdZoom! Approach

The internet is a fast paced world. It is filled with businesses that is not accountable to the world or its client base. The CrowdZoom! approach was developed for businesses that want to stay accountable to the world by opening itself up to users for reviews and ratings. The site serves 3 primary purposes:
  • To generate a steady stream of business to companies on the website that are shown as ‘trusted’ by
  • To give an accurate portrayal of business to those searchers that are looking for a business to work with
  • To provide an outlet for an existing client base to review and offer a rating of a company they have worked with
Take the guessing out of the internet and work with companies that you know perform at a level you expect.

For business not already on CrowdZoom! better get listed today and begin building your reputation and attract the CrowdZoomers that are looking for your business today!

Benefits for Business Owners:
  • Create an account and receive access to a business login which allows you to view all your leads received through the website and also view and respond to client reviews and feedback.
  • Receive exposure amongst the millions of visitors the site receives.
  • Showcase the services you want to promote to visitors and begin generating more business.
Benefits for Reviewers:
  • Begin reviewing business that you work with and begin generating your own reputation amongst business.
  • It’s time to be heard! Had a great experience with a company? Did a company give you substandard service? Let others know about it. Let your voice be heard so other visitors can learn as well!
  • Leave feedback and receive prizes for your honesty and impartiality!
Benefits for Visitors:
  • Use CrowdZoom! as a resource to learn which companies please people and which ones do not!
  • Find a business that suits your needs and contact them!
  • Receive discounts on products and services listed from individual business.

Join CrowdZoom! and join the long list of happy people!

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