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CrowdZoom! FAQ

The simplest way to create a new station is to click the "Create a New Station" button in the upper left of the Pandora Tuner, then enter the name of an artist, or the title of a song. [Note: If there are multiple search results in the Music Genome, Pandora will list the available options and you can click the correct listing. If Pandora fails to match your search at all, please double-check spelling. Failed searches are automatically added to a list for our music-buyers to research. We have optimized our station-creation process so that common artist names create an artist-based station even if there is also a song title by that name in the Music Genome. If you are trying to start a station based on a song named after a famous artist, click the "Hey! That's not what I wanted" button as the station is being launched. Next, click the "Song" button, and this will instead create a song-based station.]

Our music licenses do not allow us to let you replay or rewind a specific song, or to play a particular song or artist on demand. This is also why you cannot have more than one station seeded by a particular artist.

Canceling an account is a manual process on our end and requires a request sent from the email address currently associated with your Pandora account. Please contact us to request account cancellation. Note, however, that you can always maintain a free Pandora account indefinitely, no matter how much or how little you chose to listen. There are several good reasons to maintain an account even if you can't currently listen as much as you like. For instance, listeners who currently have a dial-up connection at home may occasionally be able to listen elsewhere, such as at work or school, the library or a friend's house. Retaining your Pandora account will also prevent having to re-register when DSL or Cable internet becomes available to you at your home location. Also, note that if you simply wish not to receive our "Inside the Genome" emails, you may entirely opt-out of receiving communications from Pandora while still maintaining your account. For more information about "Inside the Genome" emails, including opt-out instructions, please see: Finally, if you are concerned about your privacy as a Pandora listener, several options exist to restrict public display of information related to your Pandora stations and Profile. For information on how to make your entire Pandora Profile private, please see: . For privacy concerns about the name or URL of your Profile, please see:

During registration, you are given the option to receive 'Inside The Genome' emails, which update you on newly analyzed music available for your Pandora stations, and on new Pandora features. If you wish not to receive such emails, simply uncheck the 'Inside The Genome' checkbox in the lower left of the "Register now" page. Typically there will only be a few such emails per month (or fewer), and we promise they will always be relevant to your Pandora listening experience. If you later change your mind, and decide you would like to receive these emails (or to opt out), click on the blue "account" link in the upper right of the page, (or, if unavailable, click the "Account" button on the upper bar of the Pandora Tuner, then select "Edit your account"). Next, click "edit" under "Profile Info," then in the "Email Preferences" section of the "Edit your profile" page, check (or uncheck) the 'Inside The Genome' checkbox, and click "Save Changes." You can then click the "close" button inside the Pandora Tuner.

Just click the blue "account" link in the upper right of the page, then select "Edit" under "Account Info." (In certain views of the Pandora Tuner, you must first click the "Account" button, which will appear along the top edge of the Pandora Tuner, select, "Edit this account," then "Edit" under "Account Info.") Enter the new email address you'd like to use, and click "Save." Your stations, Bookmarked songs and artists, and other settings will remain unchanged.

Yes. To share a single computer with other Pandora listeners, as above, just be sure to sign out when done listening. (To do so, either click on the blue "sign out" link in the upper right of the page, or, if unavailable, click the "Account" button on the upper bar of the Pandora Tuner, then select "Sign out.") Note that Flash Local Storage, which holds your Pandora account and sign-in information, is shared globally across all user accounts and browsers on a computer. This means that even if someone visits in another browser than the one you use (e.g. Internet Explorer vs. Firefox), or signs in as a different user on that computer, the last account left signed in to Pandora will appear the next time anyone visits on that computer. For assistance with issues signing in or out, see the next section:

Yes. To use Pandora on any computer that meets our technical requirements [], you just need to enter your Pandora account user name (email address) and password to sign in. To ensure no one can make changes to your settings and stations without your permission, be sure to sign out when done listening, especially on a public or shared computer. (To do so, either click on the blue "sign out" link in the upper right of the page or, if unavailable, click the "Account" button on the top edge of the Pandora Tuner, then select "Sign out.") For assistance with issues signing in or out, see the next section:

Currently there is no formal way to create a gift subscription, but it is definitely on our list of things to do.

Click on the blue "account" link in the upper right of the page, to the right of your account name. A window will drop down in the Pandora Tuner where you can click on "Subscribe Now" under "Billing Info." (In certain views of the Pandora Tuner, you must first click the "Account" button, which will appear along the top edge of the Pandora Tuner, then select, "Subscribe.") Subscribing requires a credit card. The setting to automatically renew your subscription is enabled by default, but you can opt-out at the time of subscribing, or at any time afterwards, as described in To use Pandora on the Go, you must subscribe through Sprint. For more information about Pandora on the Go, including information for existing subscribers, please see:

Subscribing to Pandora enables several additional listening options, no matter how you sign up. Each subscriber thus receives a Universal Pandora Account which includes support for: -Pandora on the Web without advertising of any kind -Pandora on the Go for any supported mobile phone. Visit Pandora on the Go for more information. -Pandora in the Home with the Sonos Digital Music System, the Logitech Squeezebox or the Logitech Transporter. Visit Pandora in the Home for more information. Pandora subscriptions purchased directly from Pandora are $36 for a one-year subscription and require a credit card. Pandora on the Go subscription costs vary depending on your mobile phone carrier and are billed monthly directly to your mobile phone bill. When subscribing directly with Pandora interface, auto-renewal is enabled by default; however, you can opt-out at the time of subscribing, or at any time afterwards, as described in Note: Subscribing does not change our licensing restrictions. Elements such as the skip limit, the absence of a rewind or replay button, and the requirement to interact periodically with the Pandora Tuner (time-out function) are identical in all types of Pandora accounts.

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